About this website

This website presents the set of articles that form the basis for the bibliometric analyses reported in the paper “The Past, Present, and Future of Retail Analytics: Insights from a Survey of Academic Research and Interviews with Practitioners” by Robert Rooderkerk (Rotterdam School of Management), Nicole DeHoratius (University of Chicago, Booth School of Business), and Andrés Musalem (Universidad de Chile). The paper is forthcoming in the Special Issue “Business Analytics: Emerging Practice and Research Issues” at Production and Operations ManagementHere a link to the journal version. Here a link to the version on SSRN. We also did a writeup for the Harvard Business Review, which can be found here.

Retail practice is in the middle of an evolution of basic (backward looking) to more advanced (forward looking) analytics. Several decision areas are becoming more and more data driven. The past two decades have produced an increasing number of academic articles on the topic. This website supports an article that was written on the topic of Retail Analytics, which documents the evolution of academic research on retail analytics in the top operations journals (Journal of Operations Management, Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and Production and Operations Management), and contrasts it to the state of practice and predictions of its near future.

Under Dashboard of papers we provide the full set of 123 papers that were classified as retail analytics articles (for a definition see the paper). This also presents a set of filters that one can use to construct subset of the papers. Under Data summaries we present some of the bibliometric analyses.

Please note that this website is under construction. During the coming months we will improve the user friendliness of the dashboard and provide more high-quality visualizations of the data.